Thursday, February 25, 2010


Yesterday, Fate told Shelby and I to go to Ecuador this fall/winter and paddle. After a quick Tumwater run, we sipped on cold ones at one of the take outs for Tumwater. We were talking about possibly going to Ecuador to paddle with our friend Marco who works with Endless Adventure International and talking with another boater that stopped to chat. The fact that another boater stopped was rare but what was even more rare was that Shelby looked over and noticed three other paddlers finishing up. Now, in the summer no big deal as there are a bunch of paddlers around but on a Wednesday in February we were super surprised.

We welcomed Chris, Carl and Randy (sorry if I got the names wrong) with cold ones and shared a shuttle ride. As we were doing introductions, one of them asked if we knew Marco Colella and Pat "the Doctor" Lynch. These are two of the the Wenatchee Valley's most dedicated paddlers and they each help introduce Shelby and I to different runs in the area. It turns out that they know Marco from when he lived in Canada and from working together in Ecuador, and Pat "the Doctor" spent some time paddling with them in Ecuador last year. This would be a weird coincidence in itself but when we got to talking a bit more we come to find out that Chris actually owns Endless Adventure International which just happens to be the company that we were talking about going to Ecuador with in the fall/winter. Is that you Fate? Are you telling us something? We are listening and, yes, Ecuador does sound good....

It's wild how when you finally begin to find your path in life and let go of all of the extra caca, you begin to see, or, are given signs to follow. There are many factors that could have prevented us from meeting and sharing with our new friends from Canada but instead we were brought together on a Wednesday in February next to a cold river to share life's experiences with one another. Did I mention it was Shelby's Birthday too!!! What a cool day and Shelby did a Birthday Double Day (shredding Steven's Pass in the morning and shredding the Tumwater in the afternoon).

Endless Adventure International

Shelby Scott running Exit Drop on the lower end, Tumwater Canyon, Wenatchee River

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