I feel like I am finally learning what life is really about. I used to look at life from a "me" perspective and I used to be so wrapped up in my own world that I did not stop to think about life's bigger picture. Life was all about me.
I am learning that life is about what we can share with others not what they can share with us. Life is not about having it is about giving. Life is about elevating others not elevating ourselves. Life is about sharing not taking. Life is about giving others energy not taking energy away.
I used to do things and say things because I thought it fit the image that I wanted to portray. Instead I was losing myself and being unfair to others by hiding behind an image, by hiding insecurity.
I have gotten to a point in life where I finally feel as though I know myself and I am comfortable with who I am. This is due in part to my wonderful wife, amazing and loving family and friends that are genuine and true. It was like a light turned on in my head not too long ago. This light made it clear that in order to have genuine and meaningful interactions with people that we must be genuine and true to ourselves or this cannot happen.
I see things from a different perspective now. Of course, I am not perfect nor do I have the "grand scheme of life" figured out but what I have begun to figure out is how we can give and share with others. Giving and sharing is what life is about. We do not ever need to be materially wealthy to give our energy and our love. We do not need to have a lot of "stuff" to share ourselves and our passions. One of the best gifts that we can give each other is the willingness to honestly and openly give and share......